Tuesday, April 12, 2011


  Designer's note:

'Queenie Dishes' is my take on an old British term, 'Olde Dish Queen', used amusingly and lovingly for passionate china or porcelain collectors of either gender. For centuries there have been many china collectors of all ages from all over the world whom have appreciated the artistry, history and decorative elements of something small enough to admire in one hand and practical enough for serving food. The china does not have to be in sets, expensive, nor old, but there has to be some aesthetic quality that draws the eye or tugs at the heart.
Sometimes these passions can get a bit obsessive, as collections keep expanding. Storing these lovelies can become a major problem when all the cupboards, closets, tables, floors and bathtubs are overflowing. I have to confess to being an  "Olde Dish Queen"  for many years. Seeing beautiful dishes gives any 'Olde Dish Queen' a real high, but this Queenie promises to maintain a bit self control and stop before the bathtub! !

Carp Plates - Mottahedeh Collection
Rococc Set - SAMY D.



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